Don't Live A "What Might Have Happened?" Life


Have you ever heard someone say the phrase, “I wonder what might have happened if….?” I consider myself to be a pretty brave person, I don’t have too many fears in this life, but one fear I do have, maybe even my greatest fear, is reaching the end of my life & having to ask the question “What might have happened?” I think that would be the worst thing, to look back over my life & know that I didn’t fulfill my purpose that God had planned for me.
This is something I often struggle with & I know many other people that struggle with as well, they live with that big “what if?” question hanging over their head. A few years ago I felt God calling me into a different direction in my music & ministry, last year I made the big decision to follow my heart & tackle this new direction. As soon as I made that decision I’ve had one set back after another in my journey to reaching this vision God put in my heart. Isn’t that usually how it is? We set out on the journey full of passion & fire & then as each obstacle comes & each disappointment, rejection & failure hit us the fire seems to get quenched a little more & the dream seems smaller & farther out of reach. Finally we let the dream die & then years later we look back & say “I wonder what might have happened if?”
I am determined that WILL NOT happen in my life! God has given each of us a dream, a vision, a calling of what He wants us to do, & I am challenging you to not let the failures & setbacks in your life keep you from fulfilling your destiny. Let’s ignite the fire in our hearts again & say I may have gotten knocked down, but I didn’t get knocked out! I’m gonna get back up in Jesus name & move forward. My circumstances will not dictate what happens in my life, Almighty God will have the final say so over my dream.
Don’t just go through life with an attitude of accepting what comes to you, because if you do I can guarantee when you look back at your life you will ask that awful question, “what would have happened?” You’ve got to set your sights on your dream & tell your heart to believe again & determine that you will reach your destiny. I thank God that I see a breakthrough coming in my life, I’m not satisfied with just doing a little I want to be a world changer for the Lord, because I can! So let’s get back up dust ourselves off & get back in the race to reaching our goals, dreams & purpose that God has for our lives, so that when we reach the end we can say I have fought the good fight & I have finished my race, & not have to say “I wonder what would have happened if….?”

Have you ever heard someone say the phrase, “I wonder what might have happened if….?” I consider myself to be a pretty brave person, I don’t have too many fears in this life, but one fear I do have, maybe even my greatest fear, is reaching the end of my life & having to ask the question “What might have happened?” I think that would be the worst thing, to look back over my life & know that I didn’t fulfill my purpose that God had planned for me.

This is something I often struggle with & I know many other people that struggle with as well, they live with that big “what if?” question hanging over their head. A few years ago I felt God calling me into a different direction in my music & ministry, last year I made the big decision to follow my heart & tackle this new direction. As soon as I made that decision I’ve had one set back after another in my journey to reaching this vision God put in my heart. Isn’t that usually how it is? We set out on the journey full of passion & fire & then as each obstacle comes & each disappointment, rejection & failure hit us the fire seems to get quenched a little more & the dream seems smaller & farther out of reach. Finally we let the dream die & then years later we look back & say “I wonder what might have happened if?”

I am determined that WILL NOT happen in my life! God has given each of us a dream, a vision, a calling of what He wants us to do, & I am challenging you to not let the failures & setbacks in your life keep you from fulfilling your destiny. Let’s ignite the fire in our hearts again & say I may have gotten knocked down, but I didn’t get knocked out! I’m gonna get back up in Jesus name & move forward. My circumstances will not dictate what happens in my life, Almighty God will have the final say so over my dream.

Don’t just go through life with an attitude of accepting what comes to you, because if you do I can guarantee when you look back at your life you will ask that awful question, “what would have happened?” You’ve got to set your sights on your dream & tell your heart to believe again & determine that you will reach your destiny. I thank God that I see a breakthrough coming in my life, I’m not satisfied with just doing a little I want to be a world changer for the Lord, because I can! So let’s get back up dust ourselves off & get back in the race to reaching our goals, dreams & purpose that God has for our lives, so that when we reach the end we can say I have fought the good fight & I have finished my race, & not have to say “I wonder what would have happened if….?”