The Power Of Thoughts & Words

The Power Of Thoughts & Words

Hey, Jimmy Dooley here!

Ever heard someone say something like this, “I know it won’t work” or “They’ve always been that way they will never change”? I’m sure we’ve all said or heard people say things like this in our lives very often.

As I go through my life & say things like this myself or hear someone else say these types of things I’m starting to learn a very important lesson. The lesson is this there is so much power in our words & thoughts. I’m realizing that a lot of times in our lives good things or bad things don’t just happen by circumstance, they happen because they are a direct result of what we believe will happen & what we’re speaking into our life whether it’s for the good or the bad.

Recently I was having a very bad week one of those weeks where it just seemed like each day got a little worse, you know what I’m talking about, finally one day I was sitting there reflecting on the end of another bad & discouraging day & it hit me, I had expected the day to go wrong before it even started. As I replayed the day over in my head it was like I had already defeated myself before the day even really began. I was anticipating things to not go my way, speaking negatively about my situations, & sure enough that’s exactly what happened. God said to me, “you got what you expected.” So the next day I changed my mind set, decided not to speak negatively & made the decision I was expecting good things to happen, & guess what I had a great day!

The scripture tells us we will eat the fruit of our words. Maybe you’re not where you want to be today, but could it be because of the words & attitudes you’ve had in the past? If you’ve said things like “I’ll never rise any higher, I’ve gone as far as I can go” or “I’ve been unhealthy for so long I’ll never feel well again.” Those words will hold you right where you are & control your outcome. The Bible says that we’re snared by the words of our mouth & I’m convinced that sometimes the lives we live are restricted by our words.

I’m learning this we’re not supposed to talk about the way we are, we’re supposed to talk about the way we want to be. God tells us we are more than conquerors, we may not feel like it, it may not look like it, but guess what, God said it, so all we have to do is believe it, not by what our circumstances currently look like but by what God promised. One of my favorite scriptures in the Bible says that we have to call the things that are not as if they already were. We have the power to speak victory into our future, but on the same token, if we have the wrong attitude, we can speak defeat into it as well.

So don’t speak defeat over your life, speak words of victory over your life today. We give life to our faith when we speak about our dreams. Our words & thoughts directly affect what we achieve & become. So agree with me today that we’re not gonna speak words of defeat & negativity over our life or our families life, we’re speaking words of hope, victory & blessing over our lives. Start your day tomorrow not expecting to have a bad day at work or school, but expect a great day & say, “God I thank you that I will have a great day because You gave me this day, I’m in your hand & good things are in store for my life today.” Change your way of thinking & what you’re speaking into your future & see if things don’t turn around for you.

Please feel free to leave comments & feedback I love to hear back from you all!

God Bless,
Jimmy Dooley Ministries